Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Naruto’s anime debut with NARUTO X BORUTO Ultimate Ninja STORM CONNECTIONS, the next entry in the blockbuster Ultimate Ninja STORM series, which has sold more than 27 million units worldwide.
- The Largest Roster of Playable Characters Ever: This game has the largest roster of beloved characters to play than any Ultimate Ninja STORM game in the past. New additions include the brothers who started legendary ninja clans, Ashura and Indra Otsutsuki. Stay tuned for more playable characters!
- The Story of Naruto and Sasuke’s Rivalry Combined into One! For the first time in one game, relive selected scenes from Naruto’s childhood until his final battle with Sasuke through anime scenes and in-game battles. Players of past Ultimate Ninja STORM games can see it all with updated graphics. Plus, experience a new story exclusive to the game.
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